Dancing is Silly

Someone requested that I blog about Bree's 21st party. I really have nothing to say on the matter.

However, that does remind me. I think dancing is the silliest thing ever invented. I mean just thing about it for a second, step outside the circle and look back. You are moving around like you have some kind of total body spasm. It's true that some music is so bombastic that it induces these spasms, but that music is very rare. Yet people dance to just about anything these days if they have had enough to drink.

Having trouble understanding? Imagine the last time you saw some people dancing at a pub. Take away the pub, take away the music. Look at these people, what are they doing? Being stupid, thats what.

Why was it invented anyway? It is so useless. I imagine it stemmed from drama, using dance to tell a story. It can be beautiful when performed by artists but why has it evolved to the way it is today?

It's not like people do it for exercise, very few people do it with skill in mind. People just go out there and go mental to the music. There is no story there. I guess maybe it has something to do with sex? Yet you still do it with your friends, maybe even your family?

I like dancing because I like being stupid. I'm a very silly person.

I laugh at other people on the inside though, because their stupidity isn't justified like mine. They spend the rest of their lives trying to earn respect and stay in control. Yet a couple of beers and a crappy pop song later and they lose it all in a moment, the dancefloor transforms them into the silliest looking fools the world has ever known.

Yet nobody else cares, because everyone else is doing the same thing. Nobody really thinks about it that much the day after. That's the thing about time, the future turns to the present and then into past in less then a fraction of a moment.

But I laugh, I laugh so hard on the inside. People dancing are so funny.